About Me


Hi, I’m Lin Zihao, currently living in Guangzhou. If you’re also in Guangzhou, we could arrange a time to meet up for coffee and chat about work.

Welcome to my blog. You can also connect with me through my social media accounts on LinkedIn, Bilibili, Instagram, and Twitter.

For the past 5-6 years, I’ve been working as a software engineer. I’m particularly interested in studying databases, AI, algorithms, functional programming, and mathematics. On this website, you can find some of my study notes. I hope these bits of knowledge can inspire you or provide some insight when you need it.

Of course, my career isn’t limited to programming. Recently, I’ve started my own entrepreneurial journey, exploring areas I hadn’t touched during my engineering career. There might be many new ideas and realizations along this path, and I’m really looking forward to sharing them with you through my writing.

Lastly, I want to tell everyone that this website is not only a showcase of my learning outcomes but also a corner where I share my journey. I hope you can get to know me better through these words and images. I’m very much looking forward to future collaborations and exploring more possibilities together!

