Exploring Interactivity in Astro


Discovering the interactive capabilities of Astro-powered websites using MDX



How interactive can we make this website? Let’s explore the possibilities!

I’ve built this blog using Astro, as detailed in my blog setup guide. The content is written in Markdown or MDX, which Astro then renders. MDX allows me to incorporate HTML and React components directly into my content, opening up a world of interactive possibilities.


With MDX, I can seamlessly integrate HTML into my content. Here’s a simple example:

    <h1>Hello there!</h1>
    <h2>Welcome to my interactive playground</h2>
    <a id="example_anchor"></a>
    <h3>Let's explore together</h3>

Hello there!

Welcome to my interactive playground

Let’s explore together

react component

or I can use a react component

import { Alert, AlertTitle, AlertDescription } from '@components/ui/alert';

<Alert variant="warning">
        Alert description

but these are just content, how about a counter in react?

import Counter from "@/components/Counter"

<Counter client:visible />

I need to add client:visible to make this component interactive. because astro default to strip all javascript for performance reason.

If I want to quote some pharagraph from my other post, or this post. I can write a anchor tag with some id in the target location. for example, I write an anchor in the <h3> element before.

<a id="example_a"></a>

now I can link to it.

<a href="#example_a">example a</a>
example a

this is not implemented yet, but I want to know what other pages link to this paragraph. I am thinking of using some tool to read and parse all the markdown file, and output a index file. then I can see all the links between pages.

haven’t figured out how to user interaction would be like, maybe when the user highlight some text, then show a popup window with links to this paragraph?


I want whatever in the clojure block be render. these clojure code

Currently, this is implemented by writing an Astro component. In that component, I import Scittle (for executing ClojureScript in the browser) and create some HTML elements: a textarea and buttons. The ClojureScript code retrieves the user input from the textarea and renders it using Reagent (a React wrapper for ClojureScript).

(require '[reagent.core :as r]
         '[reagent.dom :as rdom])

(def app (.getElementById js/document "app"))
(def code (.getElementById js/document "clojure_code"))
(def button (.getElementById js/document "re_render_button"))

(.addEventListener button "click"
                   (fn []
                     (let [code (.-value code)
                           form (read-string code)
                           _ (println form)] 
                       (rdom/render form (.getElementById js/document "app")))))

there is a problem in the current implementation, I can’t have two clojure component in one page. because the element ids are hardcoded.